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Make money out of your damaged electronic items and go green.
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Make money out of your damaged electronic items and go green.
Computer and related electronic items affects nature even after they go out of service. Potomac eScrap provides services in Recycling Electronincs and buys electronic items to recycle them.

This really seems imaginary, sometimes, thinking of today’s ultramodern hi-tech world and other technologies. We’ve come so far from that period of time when we used to drop a letter in the post office box and used to wait for months of months for a reply and that’s how communication used to take place. Now, we’re using a more convenient way of dealing with all these. Communication has become easy as now there are computer systems for emailing, chatting and all that. But it doesn’t mean that our problem is over, now our problem is what to do with all those computer system that are running out of service and are nothing more than a black idiot box.

Potomac eScrap came up with an absolute and effective solution to fix this problem. Potomac eScrap is located in Manassas, VA and provides services in the field of Secure Data Destruction, recycling and reusing of electronic items or any of their loose parts. Our target is electronic items, computers, compact disks (CD/DVD), floppy disks, hard drives or any other kinds of eScarp placed in your home and are no more in use or running out of order. Now, you’ve a chance to make some money out of it.

These items may look worth nothing to you and are just acquiring space that can be used for some other house hold works. Potomac eScrap buys these items from you and then recycle them. Our truck is always ready to pick up those unusable eScraps right from your place and is just a phone call away from you.


Our truck will come to your place.

Potomac guys will pack every eScrap item you want to sell.

They will pay you the money accordingly and remove everything from your place.

They will load everything into the truck and then they will leave.


If we talk about a mobile phone that’s no more useful for you in any means, then we get following materials after recycling around 1 Million mobile phones.

Copper – 9,000 Kg

Gold – 24 Kg

Palladium – 9 Kg


1. Secure Data Destruction service

Data will be destructed on-site or off-site as per client’s demand.

2. eScrap Pickup service

Truck will come to your place and Potomac guys will take care of everything else.

3. eScrap Drop off service

You can drop your eScraps on our place (visit website) between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Our Potomac guys will be available there and will unload, weigh and process your material accordingly.

4. Project management service

If you’ve a complete office or something like that, that’s gone out of order and so as the electronic items like tapes, chips, computer, keyboards, DVDs/CDs and you want to fix them all. Give us a call. Our experienced Potomac project manager will visit you and will plan everything for you.

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Electronic Waste Recycling
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E-scrap or waste materials are our assets. E-scrap or waste materials are our assets.
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E-scrap or waste materials are not made to throw in the field or outside. It is our cash if we pay a little attention on them. We should sell our e-scrap to recycling companies.

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Business details
Potomac eScrap is a secure Computer Recycling & Electronic Recycling association. We are specialized in recycling metals and other valued material from electronics.