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First Baptist Church of Springfield
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Serving God and Springfield since 1954: Christian Worship, Bible Study, Sunday School, Children and Youth. More at FBCSpringfield. org or 703-451-1500.
Address7300 Gary St Springfield, VA 22150-4101
Phone(703) 451-1500
first Baptist Church - SPRINGFELD
Since 1954, leading people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Beginning October 3 - "Destination Kids"
At First Baptist Church Springfield, we desire to bring children and their families closer to Christ! We want to support and equip you as the parent for this path of life we are on. We pray we do this is a variety of exciting, thoughtful, and interesting childrens activities join us - youll be glad you did!!
Our focal verse is John 14:6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. In Destination Kids, our theme this year, we will look at

The Way Which way is Gods way? What is the way to God? Which way should we go every day?
The Truth What is Truth? The Bible is Truth! How do we hide the Truth in our heart?
The Life How does God give us life? What do we need to live? How do we build relationships?

All our activities take place on the Childrens Hall, first floor, or in the gym. We have a fantastic group of volunteers and staff to work with your children join us!

6:30pm in Conference Room #2
What are the most important issues facing men today and what does the average Joe really need to know to be victorious in the Game of life?
Joe Gibbs has assembled a team of experts to tackle the key areas of life a man needs to grasp in order to be victorious. Each of the six sessions of Game Plan for Life includes Team Training that allows the group to interact with video teaching from one of Joe Gibbs assistant coaches, highlighted by personal experiences from Coach Gibbs journey.
The DVD teaching is accompanied by a group Bible study which draws from relevant biblical passages.
Join us each Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm in Conference Room # 2 (next to the elevator, 2nd floor). Hammond Coates will be the facilitator.

Join us for a continental breakfast at 8:30 am in the gym.
The Missions Committee invites the whole family to participate in one of the following hands-on ministry projects:

Operation Christmas Child
Shining Star Firehouse/Police Station visits
ECHO - Yard work - Clearing a vacant lot
Youth will be distributing food for Thanksgivng to City Gate families in D.C. (9:30 am - 3:00 pm)

November 21 Thanksgiving Meal and Worship

Everyone is invited to our annual church-wide Thanksgiving Meal and Worship service. The buffet begins at 5:30 pm in the gym with seating in the Fellowship Hall.

The church will provide: turkey, gravy, rolls and beverages.
Families attending are asked to bring: two large side dishes OR one large side dish and a dessert.

We will conclude the evening with a time of praise and worship, followed by the Lords Supper. This will be a great opportunity for fellowship and thanksgiving to our Lord for all His many blessings. Dont miss this special time in the life of our church

December 4 Christmas Tea -Women's Ministry

Women, come celebrate Christmas with tea and delectable desserts.
Invite your friends to this joyous, fun afternoon.

Sponsored by the Womens Ministry of First Baptist Church of Springfield. Please email to arrange childcare if needed.

Pastor James Weaver
We live in a world with a lot of information, but we need more than information to live well. We need wisdom Gods wisdom.

Part of a sermon series talking about unmasking your faith.


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