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10 Common Mistakes That People Do While Installing Vinyl Flooring
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Are you the one who is currently installing vinyl plank flooring for the first time? Well, there are few things you need to do.

Are you the one who is currently installing vinyl plank flooring for the first time? Well, there are few things you need to do. You need to figure out the layout, you need to know the best way of cutting it, and how it is best to pit with walls or floors. Several issues may occur while setting up your vinyl flooring. So, in this blog, we will specifically talk about ten common mistakes people make while installing vinyl flooring.

● Not sinking the fasteners: The first and foremost thing you need to do is to install a vinyl plank; you need to have a flat surface to lay it on. After you have removed your old flooring, you need to look at your floor's surface to ensure that there aren't any fasteners sticking up. You can do this by running the flat edge of a scraper over them. 

● Leaving your baseboard installed: Most people do not remove the baseboard as it makes the job much easier. However, by removing the baseboards, the vinyl flooring will give a nice clean look. Remember, when you remove the baseboard, the trim pull tool can help you keep the boards intact.

● Not levelling the subfloor: One of the most crucial steps you need to do before installing the vinyl plank flooring is to level your subfloor. In metal building homes, levelling the subfloor plays a vital role as, if not done, it can leave gaps and humps between the boards. You can use the level to span across different areas.

● Not undercutting door jam and trim: Your transition strip must fit right under the door jam, and it needs to be a part of the trim. And if you don't undercut the edge, you will have to scribe the flooring to fit it around the trim. For this, you'll need to use caulk for covering the caps, and it will not look good.

● Ending rows with small boards: The thing that looks vulnerable is tiny little pieces of panels at the end of a row. If you work with a bit of planning, you can avoid this kind of mistake. It would help you calculate the floor to get the planks, following the size of the room.

● Not planning for the corners: One of the shot mistakes people make while installing the vinyl planks is that they do not plan for the corners.  It will help if you prepare for the corners to adjust the planks perfectly. If not done, it will give an uneven look to the floor.

● Thinking that you will require many expensive tools: Do you know what the beauty of vinyl flooring is? You can start by cutting the planks to size with a wide variety of inexpensive tools. You need to make sure that you create a list of all the necessary tools. Then you can easily carry on with the process.

● Laying similar patterns next to each other is also one of the most common mistakes people make when installing vinyl plank flooring in metal buildings. But you can avoid this mistake by doing a little preparation ahead. You can start the boards into different numbers of files and while installing, keep rotating the planks to get different patterns every time.

● Putting air vents across a seam: As you'll move to the far wall, the chances are that you can run into an air vent on the floor. The vent could be in the middle of the board's width, and if you overlap it, the chances are that it might not look good. So, you need to adjust it according to the place. You need a carpenter's square and the right angle to transfer the location of the vent onto the plank. It will help if you cut out using the yard. You can do this by drilling a starter hole and then using a pull saw. With the help of this, the vent can fit right into the place.

● Not following the manufacturer's instructions: One of the biggest mistakes people make while installing the vinyl flooring at the metal garage kits is that they don't follow the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. But it isn't right, as it can give you wrong results in the end. Therefore, you must follow all the instructions and suggestions that the manufacturer provides you to obtain the result you wish. We suggest you, please do not ignore what they say as it can lead to wastage of time and money.


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Garage Buildings is a family-owned and operated business with a 20-year history in the steel building industry. Our mission has always been Quality, Integrity, and Experience.