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Smithfield Gardens offers a full range of Landscape help for your home or buisness. Our experts can provide Landscape Maintenance, Hardscape Installation, Outdoor Lighting, Irrigation, Decks, Arbors, Trellises and more. We will create a custom design with your input and coordinate the installation at your convenience. Call to schedule a Designer to meet with you.
Trees & Shrubs
Our tree and shrub department carries a large selection of trees, shrubs, groundcovers and vines. You will find many rare and unusual items, as well as the most common. We are plant collectors too, so we understand your desire to have the best plant for your situation, as well as the latest and greatest finds.
Annuals & Perennials
Our annuals and perennials department carries a large selection of perennials, annuals, ornamental grasses, ferns, hostas, herbs, and houseplants- as well as fish and water plants. We specialize in the rare and unusual. Touring our display gardens when you visit will give you ideas for plant combinations and show you how small trees, shrubs, and grasses can be incorporated into a perennial border.
Garden Accessories In addition to our vast array of fertilizers, pots, birdseed, fish food and garden statuary, the garden accessories department has a wonderful eclectic mix of great gifts for everyone on your list. Some of the items you will find are shoes, antique Mediterranean olive jars, oriental pagodas and unusual gardening items. Our garden accessory department is a truly one stop shop for all of your gardening needs.