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Welcome to Tabernacle Church where we're striving to become the kind of church described in the Bible... a church with relevant teaching, heart-felt worship, honest friendships, constant prayer, and compassionate care for those in need.
If you'd like to develop authentic relationships with others, then you'll be glad you found Tab church. Whether you're just starting to ask questions about God, or a committed Christian who wants to sink the roots of your faith even deeper, you can find a home here at Tab Church. You'll find Tab is a place where you really matter because you matter to God.
Pastor Kenny Bryant discusses
how to get connected at Tab Church
It's simple really. We love Jesus, love kids, and want to help grow them into his disciples. We're working to make Sunday morning the best hour of your child's week. At TAB Church we provide a safe, nurturing environment for your child.
Our goal? To help you train your child to become a fully devoted follower of Christ.
Here are a few of our great programs!
Kids Church A worship service designed especially for kids!
Sunday School Bible Stories and great activities!
Nursery A safe and secure environment for your preschooler!
Upward Sports Basketball and cheerleading!
Wee Ones Daycare A caring environment for you child!
The Lighthouse Student Ministry seeks to LEAD students to Christ, to INVOLVE students in our community, to help students GROW spiritually, HONOR God with their lifestyles, and TAKE the love of Christ to others through ministry. Check out the following programs for information on how to get involved.
Cross-Training: A student worship service for all grades
Small Groups: For all grades
Middle School Ministry: 6th-8th grade
High School Ministry: 9th-12th grade
Ministry for college students and young adults
Ministry & Special Events Form Downloads
When you visit Tab, you'll experience the great music, encouraging messages, friendly people and enjoyable atmosphere that are a part of Tab Church. We also know that your first time at a church, any church, brings up some questions.
Use the links at the right to get the answers to your questions. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday
Directions: How do I get to Tab Church?
Dress: What should I wear?
Children: What's available for my kids?
Services: What are the services like?
Sunday: What do I do when I arrive on Sunday?