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Christ The Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
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Address46833 Harry Byrd Hwy Sterling, VA 20164-2297
Phone(703) 430-0811
Christ the Redeemer Roman Catholic Church
46833 Harry Byrd Highway, Sterling, VA 20164

Christ's Peace be with You.

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Surviving Hard Economic Times--Thriving on Faith

"So how do people of faith respond to the real suffering that many faceboth major and minorduring hard economic times?"

Mass for the Deceased of the Parish
This Wednesday, November 17 at 7:00 pm, there will be a Mass of remembrance of those members of our parish who have died. Following the Mass all are invited to Atonement Hall for a light reception of coffee and cookies.

Our Mission: Founded in the good news of Christ that "God so loved
the world that he gave (us) his only Son" (Jn 3:16) and knowing that
He (Christ) "came that we might have life - life in all fullness" (Jn 10:10)
and rooted in Jesus' command to "Love one another as I have loved you"
(Jn 13:34), we the members of Christ the Redeemer Parish commit ourselves:
To foster an understanding and sharing of Christ's message; To celebrate
the glory of God in liturgy which recognizes our diversity and calls us to
oneness in God's presence; To challenge the faithful to respond to Christ's
call to meet the needs of all people with compassion and charity.

Comments, questions, or suggestions? Email The WEBster.


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