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Church of Christ of Woodbridge
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Woodbridge church of Christ
Address13815 Surrey Dr Woodbridge, VA 22191-2428
Phone(703) 494-5721
Welcome to the Woodbridge church of Christ website. We are glad that you have decided to visit our website and hope that you are encouraged by what you see. If you have any questions or comments feel free to email us at the address below.

This is often a confusing question due to all the cultural and historical baggage that comes with the concept of the church. The New Testament was originally written in Greek which was the language spoken internationally. The English word "church" is the English translation for the original Greek word in the Bible - "ekklesia". "Ekklesia" simply means "assembly". The "church" of Christ, is therefore, the "assembly" belonging to Christ. The "ekklesia" or "church" has nothing to do with a building and everything to do with the people. The Church of Christ, therefore, is the people of Christ which are those who have given up their lives to Jesus as Lord and Christ (Acts 2:36). With or without a building, the churches of Christ have always existed from the time Jesus founded it some 2000 years ago.

13815 Surrey Drive; Woodbridge, Va. 22191


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