Thank you for visiting our website.For friends and families who are unable to visit the funeral home, you may send a sympathy message through our Obituaries page to express thoughts of remembrance, sympathy and condolence to the family.
12055 James Madison Parkway
King George, Virginia 22485-4018
283 Richmond Hill Road
Warsaw, Virginia 22572-0531
"Services Within the Means of All"Family owned, Independent, Full service Funeral Homes
Email: LeeFuneralHome@verizon.net540-775-5000 | 804-313-2233
Branches and additional offices:
(540) 775-500012055 James Madison Pkwy King George, VA 22485-4018
Military burials, military honors, veteran services, funeral home, funerals, funeral services, cremations, cremation services, cremation with memorial service, direct cremations, burials