The LVC Counselor™ is a powerful and convincing tool that allows patients, along with their family members, to virtually "test-drive" their laser vision correction experience before making their decision.This powerful simulator contains various vision scenarios involving complications and correction of that complication.
Cataracts are the leading cause of poor vision in adults. However, the development of cataracts does not have to mean a loss of sight.
Treatment of cataracts is over 95% successful in restoring good vision.
Now that the iLASIK procedure is available, there’s really no reason to put off having laser vision correction. Doctors have been doing LASIK for a decade. Nearly 32 million LASIK procedures have been performed to date, making it the most common elective vision procedure in the U.S. In fact, all branches of the U.S. military and NASA recently approved LASIK for their servicemen and women thanks to studies using iLASIK technology.
10 Chatham Heights Rd. • Fredericksburg, VA 22405 • 540-371-2777