Welcome Welcome to EYE CENTRAL, PC. Our practice is committed to providing exceptional and comprehensive eye care through the use of state of the art technology and personalized customer service.
In addition, our respect and appreciation of the community we serve is surpassed only by our clarity of vision to deliver the highest standard of eye care, health service, and education that you and your family deserve.
In August 2008, Eye Central welcomed Dr. Greg Foley as a new partner. This transition has laid the foundation for Dr. Reed to slow his work schedule. Dr. Reed has served optometry for 42 years. Effective January 2010, he will slow his schedule to a well deserved 2-3 day work week.
As leadership roles evolve within our practice, please watch for exciting new changes over the 2010 calendar year. We are planning "facelifts" to both offices, electronic record systems and increased E-marketing capabilities.