We treat back and or neck pain, headaches, Scoliosis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. However we are more than just a Chiropractic clinic. We treat all kinds of sports injuries: shoulders, wrists, elbows, hips, knees, plantar fascitis as well as post surgical rehabilitation.
For more difficult cases or chronic pain we offer Manipulation done Under Anesthesia.
We provide the following services in one location to make it easier for you:
Trigger point therapy
Charlottesville’s Only Trampoline Surface Treadmill
We have a massage therapist that offers deep tissue, Swedish, and hot stone therapy massage.
There are many conditions that may readily respond to Dr. Wagner's care through the incorporation of chiropractic treatment, sports medicine, and physical therapy.
Please enjoy our website and call us with any questions you may have at (434) 978-4888.
Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers is a top-rated institute providing professional training in Cosmetology Arts and related beauty, health and wellness career fields in Southern and Middle Florida.