At Barnes Heating & Cooling, we offer commercial and residential sales, service and installation of air conditioners and heaters for your maximum comfort. We specialize in heat pumps that will heat your home in the winter and cool your home in the summer. Our quality gas furnaces are perfect for heating your home during the cold seasons. We provide efficient service on all makes and models of heating and cooling products. Barnes Heating & Cooling takes pride in our efficiency and premium services as well as our dedication to leaving the customer satisfied with our excellent workmanship and dependable employees. Feel comfortable and safe knowing that you are using our high-quality products with guaranteed energy saving agreements. Call us today for a free home survey!
When buying a home comfort system, selecting the right size is crucial. For instance, an air conditioner that is too large will cool your home quickly, but you still may not feel comfortable. It will satisfy the thermostat before it can remove sufficient moisture from the air.
As you might expect, a system that is too small just cannot get the job done. Barnes Heating & Cooling can help you determine the right size system for your home comfort needs with an energy analysis of your home.
We will measure your windows, doors, walls, floors, and check the insulation, ductwork and building materials in addition to other factors that can directly affect system size. This is the best way to help you select a system that fits your particular lifestyle and home comfort needs.
Branches and additional offices:
(804) 526-513116407 Harrowgate Rd Chester, VA 23831-7314