Successful design is more than “creative impulse”it is the culmination of active planning with owner participation.
Our goal in the planning of any building space is to achieve a functional, economical, and aesthetically pleasing environment. Before beginning the conceptual design, consideration is given to the client’s needs, budget, schedule, environmental impact, passive and active solar applications, energy consideration through design, placement of structure on site to the best advantage, configuration of the facility in harmony with the surrounding, and enabling the users to experience their maximum potential.
Within the building itself, we consider the user functions. Such conditions as inter-relationships of people, traffic flow, maximized use of heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical systems, security measures and parking are given prime consideration.
Through membership in professional and trade organizations and participation in pertinent seminars, our staff members are kept up to date with constantly changing and improving technologies. Our choice of systems and materials represent this continuous input of fresh ideas, always tempered with the realities of function and budget.
Careful management and a trained and competent staff enable us to prepare construction documents and specifications with a thoroughness that has become natural to us. Refinement of planning involved in meeting time schedules has become an integral part of our services.
The professionalism with which we approach our work is evident in the ever-expanding repertoire of successful buildings to our credit.