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Local Nonprofits launched by the Council!
After identifying a need or gap in services, the Council of Community Services works with community partners to develop solutions. As a result of past efforts, the Council either launched or assisted launching the following nonprofit organizations and programs:
Blue Ridge AIDS Support Services
Foundation for Roanoke Valley
Local Office on Aging (formerly League of Older Americans)
Regional Health Services Planning Council
The Council is currently working with local and regional partners to develop the Community Housing Resource Center as a solution to prevent homelessness and to rapidly re-house those who are homeless.
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Welcome to the Council of Community Services, a nonprofit planning organization serving communities throughout Southwest Virginia. Established in 1960, the Council is the only organization in Southwest Virginia that primarily focuses on planning for health and human services as well as linking people with community resources.
The Council provides planning to the community by:
Identifying health & human service needs by convening and facilitating groups of interested professionals and citizens;
Developing strategies to meet those needs either by creating new programs or services or encouraging groups to work together to solve community problems;
Evaluating programs to ensure that services are having a positive impact on the community; and
Coordinating services through community coalitions such as:
Family Violence Coordinating Council
Roanoke Regional Housing Network
Senior Citizen Coordinating Council
The Council links people with community resources such as:
2-1-1 – by dialing 2-1-1 callers receive information and referral to local health and human services
And lastly, the Council serves as a clearinghouse where organizations can access:
Data on health and human services
Technical assistance and training on nonprofit management
Opportunities for networking
Community Publications/Reports
Friends of the Council