Therapeutic massage has many health benefits beyond relaxation.
Massage therapy is one of the oldest forms of health care, dating back almost 4000 years. It increases blood circulation, skin tone, and relieves tension. Everyone from infants to senior citizens can enjoy the benefits of massage.
Health Benefits — Research shows that physical touch and massage can dramatically affect our nervous system, immune system, and hormones. Much of this research comes from Dr. Tiffany Field at the University of Miami's Touch Research Institutes. Her work, along with other research from around the world, has shown startling results. Back pain patients who receive massage therapy show significant improvement in back motion, pain, anxiety, and mood. Massage has also been shown to help reduce muscle spasms encountered after spinal-cord injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, chronic fatigue, depression, fibromyalgia, headaches, and insomnia.
Relax — Massage therapy can slow the heart, relax the body, and increase alertness.
Relieve Stress — Stress can be a factor in a variety of physical and emotional problems. Many stress symptoms are mild and can be managed by stress management techniques, including massage therapy. Discover for yourself the benefits of massage!
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