A Smile Says It All!
Get a Smile That Says It All. With maintenance and regular care, your teeth will have a bright and healthy future! Drs. Penterson and Booth provide Richmond, Virginia a full range of family and cosmetic dental treatments including checkups, aesthetic & restorative dentistry, as well as porcelain veneers, whitening, implants, fillings, crowns, bridges, and Invisalign. We look forward to meeting you!
If you are looking for a dependable dentist in the Richmond, VA area, please call our office at
Our goal at The Virginia Institute is to make you feel confident through personal attention concerning your aesthetic goals. Dr. V knows that no two people are alike and pursues a nurturing doctor-pa
Bring your child to Smileville and we assure you that your child will never understand why other children are afraid of visiting their dentists. Call now to schedule an appointment.