Thrift Store USA 875 E. Little Creek Rd., Norfolk, VA 23518 Mon.-Sat. 9-7 Sun. 12-5 757-588-2900 Tax Deductible Donation Pickup Line 757-588-4800
Please visit us in our Brand New Building! After 15 months of recovery from the fire and rebuilding we finally reopened on November 10th, 2005. We appreciate the support of our regular customers and donors and hope to welcome many new ones.
Over 24,000 Sq. Ft of Low Prices Thousands of New Items Every Day Sized Clothing & Dressing Rooms
Wide Aisles & Clean Public Restrooms
Plenty of Parking
Clothing for The Entire Family Large Selection of Vintage Clothing Several Aisles of Plus Size Clothing
New & Used Furniture & Antiques The largest selection of very clean and very affordable furniture in Tidewater! Over 120 Sofas, Sleepers, Sectionals & Recliners
Brand New Symbol & Corsicana Mattresses From $79.99! Sets From $149.99!
New & Used Bedroom Suites
Dining Rooms, Computer Desks, Bunk Beds & More. Delivery Available
1,000's of Books, Videos & Record Albums
100's of pieces of Vintage Clothing
Military Day Every Thursday 20% Off
One of the top 9 Thrift Stores in the Mid-Atlantic! Read "Dirt Cheap, Real Good" by Chriss Slevin & Leah Smith to learn more about us and 300 other thrift stores they visited and rated.
Thrift Store USA supports Seton Youth Shelters Building Futures One Teen at a Time
To learn more visit 24hour Crisis Hotline for Tidewater Youths 757-498-HELP
Our store burned down August 7th 2004. By the Grace of God and the Norfolk Fire Department there were no injuries. Thrift Store USA reopened November 10th, 2005! Thank you for your support.