"All of you together are Christ's body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it."
Dr. Thomas G. Harvey, Senior Pastor Welcome to the home page of Cambria Baptist Church, Christiansburg, Virginia. We are excited about our website and hope that it provides you valuable information. On these pages you will find a lot about Cambria Baptist, but hopefully above all you will see that we are a church that desires to love God and love others. We are a church of humble beginnings, but a church with an exciting future filled with God-sized dreams. Thanks for stopping by, we are here to minister to you. God Bless you and we hope you'll visit us soon.
Schedule at a Glance
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 A.M.
Sunday Evening Worship 6:30 or 7P.M. (check calendar)
Sunday Youth Activities 6:30 or 7P.M. (check calendar)
Wednesday Prayer Meeting 6:30 or 7P.M. (check calendar)
Wednesday Choir Rehearsal 7:30 or 8P.M. (check calendar)
To connect a real God to real people (Matthew 28:19-20)
We envision Cambria Baptist Church as a lighthouse in our community where the light of Christ beckons the lost to enter, empowers the believer, and is dispersed to all parts of the world through Missions opportunities.
The love of God given to us in Jesus Christ whom we worship.
Worship that involves Biblical preaching, prayer, music, praise, and fellowship that leads to service.
Service that involves taking Christ to the people who need Him through ministries, evangelism, and discipleship.
Discipleship that involves equipping people to successfully live the Christian life that continues our heritage.
Our heritage as a Southern Baptist church and our history of cooperative support of local, state, national, and worldwide missions.
Read all about the history of this church. Our History