House Painting Northern Virginia
Whether it is interior house painting or exterior house painting you can count onFresh PathServicesto provide excellent workmanship, attention to detail and highly rated paint products for your home. We offer free on site consultations to help you understand what work needs to be done, evaluate the best types of paint for your style of construction, and help you with any questions on paint brands, color selections and more. Finding the best painting contractor in Northern Virginia can be difficult, so we offer current references that can speak objectively about our work.
All projects start with meticulous effort in preparation. Before any paint is brought onto the job site we cover all furniture in clean new plastic. From there its masking fixtures, switches, outlets and anything else not to be painted. All flooring surfaces are covered in drop cloths. Only after that can we start fixing holes and cracks and caulk where necessary.Now we proceed to the actual painting of your home.
When the project is completed we remove all debris and tools, sweep and vacuum flooring and replace moved furniture. Our effort is to leave the room cleaner than we found it.
All leftover paint is labeled and left on the job site unless otherwise requested.
In some cases, prior to any preparation, all surfaces will require pressure washing.
After sufficient drying time we begin to prepare by covering bushes, sidewalks, driveways or any areas we are working in. Next we scape all loose paint, sand, caulkand spot prime any raw/unprotected surface.Then we proceed to applying the actual finish coat.Unless a color change, properly prepared surfaces usually only require one coat.
When completed we remove all debris. Leftover paint is labeled and left on the job site unless otherwise requested.
Concrete floor polishing, concrete staining, stamped concrete and other concrete services for residential customers in the Williamsburg and Hampton Roads, Virginia area. Call Colony Concrete for beau