Formerly Letitia Baldrige Enterprises, Inc., Established 1964
Alinda Lewris is featured in national and international publications like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Forbes Traveler, and Roger E. Axtell's new book Essential Do's and Taboos: The Complete Guide to International Business and Leisure Travel.
Lewris is best known as founder of the International Association of Protocol Consultants and Officers. IAPC is a non-profit, all-volunteer, world-class organization with a global executive membership roster that includes professionals from Fortune 500 companies, the United Nations, the U.S. Department of State, and The White House. Under her leadership, IAPC earned the designation "official protocol and continuing education advisors to the Joint Military Attach School, U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency" and featured in the U.S. Naval Institute's "SERVICE ETIQUETTE, 5th Edition" as the preferred platform for coaching and executive education."
TODAY, Alinda Lewris and her associates are under contract to either teach at the university-level or author separate protocol/etiquette works and industry related publications.
In addition, Lewris has developed, together with industry icons, advanced programs in international protocol and civility, leadership training, and SMART manners. As authorized instructor, Alinda Lewris also delivers content rich programs in productive professional relationship building and professional presence. As follow-up, participants receive confidential answers to their personal questions from Letitia Baldrige who, since 1948, has been active in business in the public and private sectors.
"Universally recognized as the country's leading authority on executive, domestic, and social manners."
Alinda Lewris is listed in Washingtonian's "People Who Make Things Happen," "Where Power Hits New Heavy Hitters," and the top "Power 150" section "Women in Business."
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