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Bermant Michael MD PC
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Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery in easy to read terms.
Address11601 Iron Bridge Rd Chester, VA 23831-1466
Phone(804) 748-7737

Bermant Plastic Surgery and Cosmetic Surgery

Encyclopedic educational resource with thousands of photographs and movies before, during, and after surgery.
Michael Bermant, MD
Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery
Use this map to guide you through this extensive site now over 1600 pages.

View many before / after movies and pictures from different views to learn about the Plastic Surgery problem and Dr. Bermant's cosmetic surgery. Start out in the comfort of your home / office to see what we have to offer. Explore extensive detail about Dr. Bermant's techniques that minimize bruising, swelling, and discomfort. Read and listen to our patient experiences. Picking the right plastic surgeon for your sculpture is important, results shown are typical for Dr. Bermant's patients. Learn why patients travel from around the world for his surgery and care.
Body Plastic Surgery Sculpture

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty
Belly Button Umbilicoplasty

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty - Plastic Surgery of the Abdomen

Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Consultation
The Problem of Loose Skin
How Body Lift Helps Loose Skin After Weight Loss
Minimal bruising Tumescent Tummy Tuck
Risks of Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty
Tummy Tuck Movies
Tumescent Tummy Tuck
Comfort after Tumescent Tummy Tuck
Recovery after Tummy Tuck Operations
Mini-Tuck Compression Garment
Standard Views for Abdominoplasty Tummy Tuck Pictures

Tumescent Body Lift
Recovery after Body Lift
Cost, Fees and Price of Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

Photos & Movies Before / After Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty with loose skin after pregnancy

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty with abdominal wall muscle separation and c-section scars.

Tumescent Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty female with loose skin after massive weight loss local anesthesia with sedation.
C-section scar removal as part of minimal bruising Tumescent Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty
Tumescent Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty female under local anesthesia with sedation
Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty in woman and repair rectus muscle separation and cesarean section scar
Tumescent Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty local anesthesia with sedation for loose skin after pregnancy
Tumescent Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty in woman with loose skin after another doctor's liposuction
Pannus Reduction Abdominoplasty in female after weight loss
Male Tummy Tuck after massive weight loss from gastric bypass
Tummy Tuck Revision in female after failed minituck and umbilicoplasty
Panniculectomy operations of the abdomen for massive extra tissue (pannus).
Mini tuck abdominoplasty

Lower Body Lift Contouring after losing weight
Tumescent Lower Body Lift after weight loss

Hear Tummy Tuck Stories and Discussion

Movies Body Lift Experiences
Tumescent Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty Chat
Male Tumescent Tummy Tuck Forum

Belly Button Umbilicoplasty and Navel Sculpture

Belly Buttons Exposed
What is a Belly Button or Umbilicus?
Beautiful Belly Buttons
Belly Button Surgery

Photographs During Umbilicoplasty
Belly Button Dressings

Belly Button Sculpture - Pictures during Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

Umbilicoplasty - Risks / Complications
Cost Belly Button Umbilicoplasty
Picture Gallery of Belly Button Sculpture
Conversion of "Outie" to "Innie"
How Soon Do I See My Results?
Belly Button Forum / Bulletin Board
Standard Pictures for Belly Button Umbilicoplasty

Liposuction Suction Lipectomy (removing localized body fat)

Tumescent Technique Liposuction
Elastic Garments after Liposculpture in Women
After Liposuction Surgery Recovery Garment for Men

Patient Photographs Before and After Liposuction

Female Liposuction Thighs and Stomach

Liposuction of Abdomen Female Patient Photographs
Suction Lipectomy Female Buttocks and Hips Photographs
Suction Lipectomy of Hips Female
Female Thigh Fat Sculpture
Male Liposuction Pictures Abdomen and Flank
Male Photographs before and after Liposuction Surgery
Male Liposuction Plan
Male Scars After Liposuction
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Suction Lipectomy Forum

Breast Plastic Surgery and Sculpture of the Chest

Breast Lift Mastopexy in Women
Breast Reduction in Women
Gynecomastia Male Breast Reduction
Inverted Nipple Sculpture

Breast Lift / Mastopexy for Breast Ptosis (drooping breast)

Introduction to the Problem of Breast Ptosis and Sagging
Incisions and Skin Scars Breast Lift Mastopexy
Short Scar Breast Lift
Internal Breast Lift Surgery Elements
Breast Lift Mastopexy Tumescent Technique
Breast Lift Movies and Video Before and After Mastopexy
After Breast Lift Recovery
Breast Lift Without Breast Implant

Photograph during surgery and preoperative markings

Tissue evolution photographs and movie

Short Scar Vertical LeJour Breast Lift
Mastopexy short scar photographs

Breasts how they move after mastopexy
Scar and tissue changes after breast lift
Tumescent Technique - Limited bruising

Hear Breast Lift Experiences

Breast Lift Forum Breast
Lift Chat and Discussion

Breast Reduction - Important Information

Large Breasts come in different sizes and shapes
What is the problem with large breasts?
Should I have this surgery?
The Consultation - What are the Risks of Breast Reduction?
Correction Breast Asymmetry
Details Short Scar Reduction Mammaplasty
Pictured During Tumescent Breast Reduction Surgery
Breast Reduction with the Tumescent Technique
What Happens After My Breast Reduction Operation?
What are the risks of Breast Cancer after Breast Reduction?
Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Before and After Movies and Video showing healing and recovery
Patient Experiences - Movies

Photographs Before and After Plastic Surgery

New York Breast Reduction 22 year old female
Breast Reduction 51 year old female from Maryland
Breast Reduction 19 year old female - short scar
Breast Reduction 37 year old female - short scar
Breast Reduction 34 year old female - short scar (tumescent technique) and early healing
Breast Reduction 36 year old female from Massachusetts - short scar
Breast Reduction 39 year old female from North Carolina - short scar
Breast Reduction 20 year old female from Ohio - short scar
Breast Reduction 56 year old female - short scar

Breast Reduction 16 year old adolescent female - short scar tumescent
Breast Reduction Revision 40 year old female

Gynecomastia - Male Chest Sculpture and Breast Reduction in Men

Introduction to Gynecomastia
Male Breast Examination
Anatomy of Gynecomastia Enlarged Breasts
Chest Wall Markings Before Male Chest Contouring
Dynamic Technique Male Chest Sculpture
Tumescent Anesthesia with Sedation
Glandular Excision Using An Open Approach
Sculpture Chest with Tumescent Liposuction
Liposuction Male Chest Recontouring
Revision of Another Doctor's Male Chest Reduction
Male Nipple Reduction

Compression Vest after Gynecomastia Sculpture
After Male Chest Contouring
How soon will I see results of my male breast reduction?
Revision Gynecomastia Sculpture
Male Mastopexy Chest Lift for Loose Sagging Tissues
Female to Male Transgender Top Surgery Chest Reconstruction
Standard Photographs for Male Breast and Chest
Male Mammogram or Breast X-ray Evaluation

Gynecomastia Gallery Before After Pictures

Klinefelter Syndrome Gynecomastia Reduction
35 year old Body Builder Glandular Gynecomastia

Muscle Movement Photographs

26 year old Bodybuilder with Gynecomastia

20 year old with Gynecomastia

More before and after surgery photographs

26 year old with Gynecomastia

More Before and After Pictures

23 year old Breast Reduction
18 year old Gynecomastia Excision

21 year old Revision Breast Reduction

More Photographs of this Revision after another doctor's Liposuction

20 year old after weight Loss - Short Scar Internal Male Mastopexy

Inverted Nipple Surgery

Nipple Inversion Grading System
Nipple Inversion Grade I
Surgery to Fix Inverted Nipples
Dressings for Inverted Nipple Repair
Inverted Nipple Standard Pictures
Cost Inverted Nipple Reconstruction

Female Patient Pictures Inverted Nipples Before and After
Woman with Inverted Nipple Pictures Before / After
Correction Inverted Nipples - Risks / Complications
Inverted Nipples Experiences Chat Forum

Surgical Sculpture of the Face

Otoplasty Ear Sculpture
Rhinoplasty Nose Sculpture

Ear Sculpture - Otoplasty Ear Surgery For Prominent, Big, & Deformed Ears

What is the problem with protruding large ears?
The Constricted Ear - Lop or Cup ear deformity
Macrotia big ears

Should I have otoplasty surgery?

Otoplasty Consult - What are the Risks?

Surgical Details Suture Setback Otoplasty

Anterior Scoring Setback Otoplasty
Concha Set Back Otoplasty Images
Hatch Sutures Otoplasty to Set Back Top of Helix
Otoplasty Double Banner Helix Flaps for Constricted Ear

Macrotia Large Ear Reduction Otoplasty

Otoplasty Concha Reduction
Otoplasty Antihelix Reduction
Otoplasty Scapha Reduction
Otoplasty Helix Rim Reduction
Size Reducing Otoplasty Continued

Otoplasty Formal Ear Protective Dressing

Patient Photographs Before and After Otoplasty

Male Ear Pinback Surgery Both Sides - concha setback, anterior scoring, suture, and lobule setback

Front and back details -Side details

Female Bilateral Otoplasty - concha setback with anterior scoring and suture
Female Otoplasty One Side - anterior scoring and suture
Male Otoplasty One Side - anterior scoring and suture
Male Otoplasty Both Sides - concha setback, Hatch sutures, and lobule setback

Female Ear Pinback Bilateral - concha setback, lobule set back, antihelix fold balancing.
Male Bilateral Reconstruction Otoplasty for Constricted Ear - double banner flaps and skin flap one side.
Female Scapha Macrotia Reduction Otoplasty (big ears)
Male Ear Reduction Otoplasty for Macrotia or Large Ears

Side and Oblique Photographs
More Pictures from behind and below

What Happens After Ear Surgery?
Split Earlobe Reconstruction
Patient photographs earlobe surgery.
Patient Experiences, Chat, Forum, Questions - Answers about Otoplasty

Nasal Sculpture - Rhinoplasty Septoplasty Nose Surgery

Introduction to Dr. Bermant's Rhinoplasty
Your rhinoplasty Nasal Consultation
Rhinoplasty Issues - Nasal Anatomy and Function

Rhinoplasty - Surgical Details
Internal Nasal Packing and Splints
Rhinoplasty Hump Deformity
After your Rhinoplasty with Dr. Bermant
Minimizing Swelling and Bruising

Rhinoplasty Photographic Views
Nasal Protection on the Web

Cost of Rhinoplasty
Open Rhinoplasty - Photos during sculpture of the Black nose

Open Rhinoplasty - exposure
Rhinoplasty moving bones
Rhinoplasty tip supporting graft
Rhinoplasty dome sculpture
Rhinoplasty dorsal graft
Rhinoplasty skin closure
Rhinoplasty narrowing nostrils

Open Rhinoplasty - Pictures of dorsal and tip sculpture

Rhinoplasty Dorsal Sculpture
Rhinoplasty Tip Cartilage Balancing and Reconstruction
Rhinoplasty Skin Closure
Rhinoplasty Dorsal Splint

Nasal Fractures I , part II, ORIF
Breathing difficulty correction (Septoplasty)
Pictures Before and After Rhinoplasty

Female rhinoplasty cases
Male rhinoplasty cases
Male nasal reduction rhinoplasty and septoplasty

Female long nose reduction and septoplasty

Male rhinoplasty hump reduction tip rotation / sculpture

Male reduction rhinoplasty and tipplasty

Female dorsal hump reduction and septorhinoplasty

Female rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and turbinectomy for bent deformed nose

Nasal tip and small dorsal deformity female patient

Male rhinoplasty for deformity of tip and dorsum

Male rhinoplasty and septoplasty
Female septorhinoplasty to relieve nasal obstruction and open internal Valve

Female Wide Nose Reduction Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty - Keeping the Black Nose Ethnic

Beauty and the Black nose
Surgical details - Rhinoplasty
Anatomy details Rhinoplasty
Surgical details - Rasping the nasal dorsum
Surgical details - Moving the nasal bones

Ethnic Rhinoplasty - the Asian Nose

Narrowing Width Nasal Bone
Reducing Nostril Width

Rhinophyma (Acne Rosacea)

- - What makes a face look older?

Facelift - The Operation

Facelift and Blepharoplasty
Facelift - How Swollen?
SMAS Face Lift Details
Neck Lift Surgical Details

Facelift Forum (Rhytidectomy)
Brow lift the operation - lift for eyelid brow ptosis

Blepharoplasty Eyelid Sculpture

Introduction to Eyelid Operations
Who will Benefit from Blepharoplasty?
Under Eye Bags
Risks and Possible Complications
Planning your Blepharoplasty
Care after Blepharoplasty Eyelid Operations
Standard images for blepharoplasty eyelid evaluation
Ectropion Lower Eyelid Drooping Reconstruction
Frequently Asked Questions

Photographs and details of blepharoplasty

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Canthoplasty Lower Lid Tightening

Before After Eyelid Pictures

Upper and lower blepharoplasty
Upper and lower blepharoplasty with facelift
Upper and lower eyelid blepharoplasty for severe bags
Lower lid blepharoplasty, brow lift, and facelift

Richmond on The Web Sites of interest about Richmond Virginia
This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:

Learning About Your Problem

A list of your current medications including dosages and frequency would be helpful. Please bring any X-rays (Radiographs) that may have been taken regarding your current condition.
To Schedule Your Plastic Surgery
Arrangements for elective surgery can be made at the time of your in office consultation. We make an effort to accommodate our patient's schedules and varied lifestyles.
In An Emergency
For emergency care or urgent problems, call (804) 748-7737. Our office staff or the answering service will answer your call. Dr. Bermant will respond to your call as soon as possible. When he is out of town, another surgeon will be available. In true emergency situations, go to the nearest hospital emergency room, or call 911. Ask them to contact Dr. Bermant.

The purpose of our practice is to provide our patients with excellent medical care and treatment. Please tell us if you have any suggestions about how we can better serve you, your family, and your friends.

Bermant Plastic Surgery
Who is Dr. Bermant?

About Dr. Bermant - Philosophy of Patient Care

Publications and Major Exhibits

Dr. Bermant's Instrumentation
Art of Dr. Bermant

Plastic Art - Nasal Deformity
Plastic Surgeons - How to Choose
Definition of Plastic Surgery Board Certification
Schedule a Lecture for your group.

Find Our Office in Virginia
How to Learn More
Accredited Surgery Center
Non-Surgical Body Shaping

Sculpture of the Nose
Sculpture of the Abdomen
Body Lift Contouring
Belly Button Sculpture
Liposuction Body Sculpture
Female Breast Lift

Plastic Surgery in Men
Teenage Plastic Surgery
Body Contouring After Weight Loss
Body Contouring After Pregnancy

Plastic Surgery Experiences Chat Forum and Group
A Child's Perspective of Plastic Surgery

PlasticWeb - Plastic Surgery on the Internet
Prices Costs and Fees
Search This Encyclopedia

Search This Site

Dr. Bermant has been recognized by the prestigious America's Top Doctors by Castle Connolly Medical LTD. Learn about the rigorous peer selection process of this Best in American Medicine guide.

Who is Dr. Bermant?

Our office in Virginia. We are located just outside of Richmond VA.
PlasticWeb Plastic Surgery on the Internet Check here often for web sites of interest to the plastic surgery patient. If you have a site to add, let us know!)
Beauty on The Web.
Awards for this site See what others think. part 2, part 3 part 4
What's New last updated 11/14/10
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Schedule a Lecture for your Group.
A child's perspective of Plastic Surgery
A view from various patients of Dr. Bermant. (This is a young patient's forum with drawings and written messages.)

The Art of Dr. Bermant
(drawings, sculpture and non surgical expressions)
Plastic Surgery Photographic Puns
Tour of Deformity in Art(explore what plastic surgery has to offer you through sculpture, paintings, and drawings).
The Aging Face

Aging Male Face Eyelids and Neck
Male Aging Brow Eyelids Face and Neck

Forum, Chat and Patient Plastic Surgery Experiences
Plastic Surgery Anesthesia (local, sedation, and general)
Scar & Skin care on the web


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