Welcome to the website of the International Black Belt Center of Virginia (IBBCV)!
6200 square foot family facility. Charlottesville's Premier Martial Arts School.
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The practice of Taekwon-Do promotes physical and mental wellbeing. Through practice, a student develops a strong, healthy body and powerful mind. The strengthening of the mind cannot be separated from the strengthening of the body. The body and mind are connected and intertwined.
As the student's training continues, his strong mind enables him to develop an even stronger, healthier body, which, in turn, increases his mental power. This progression is akin to ascending a staircase: the student cannot reach the next "strong mind" step without going through the preceding "strong body" step. One step cannot be achieved without the other.
However, if the student stops training and practicing, the strength of the mind and body cannot be sustained. It stops developing and starts declining. Upward progression will ultimately become downward regression. For this reason, continual training of the body is essential for both the beginner and master. For the beginner and master, the development of the mind and body is a lifelong quest. For the master, it is also a responsibility which must not be neglected.
Continual training and practice in the art of Taekwon-Do is vital for both beginner and master (teacher).
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