Paws Awhile Pet Motel - For Cats & Dogs is a 35-year old Institution in Warrenton, Virginia, and has since 1998 been under the ownership of Mother Eirene and Sister Elizabeth. Paws Awhile Pet Motel offers the ultimate in personal pet care and individual attention to each dog and cat who visit the facility.
Caring for your pet is both a responsibility and a privilege which we take very seriously. Your pets happiness and well-being are our primary concern. Your pet receives the care and attention most conducive to good health and well-being, with a controlled, safe, and secure environment.
the ultimate in personal care for each dog and cat.
we give your pet the care and attention most conducive to its health & well-being, within a controlled, safe and secure environment.
caring for your pets is both a responsibility and a privilege which we take very seriously.
your pets happiness & well-being are our primary concern.
Fantastic Services For Dogs - For your pets comfort and happiness we now offer Field & Nature Walks, Playtimes, Petting, Bushing & Conversation. VIP Packets Available
Fun Services For Cats - Playtimes, Exploration, Petting, Brushing, & Conversation. VIP Packets Available
Doggie Day Care We can provide your pet with daycare and playtime during the work day. Day care dogs are provided playtime, exercise and a treat, but not fed unless you provide a "sack lunch". Day care prices are $12.00 per day.
You are invited to take our web site tour and visit our facility in person any time during our normal business hours.
Formerly - American Boarding Kennel Assoc.