Midway Bible Baptist Church - Fishersville, Virginia
We believe God's people are a holy people, separated from the world, and manifesting the fruit of the Spirit in their lives. We also believe and use only the King James Bible.
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The verse came to my mind as I was thinking about what to write for the bulletin;" Proverbs 27: 1; Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." We face many days of which if the truth is known, that we are not prepared for, yet we go about life as if were ready for anything that comes down the pike. I'm sure that each one of us have experienced days we never dreamed that we would have to face. Days that start out just like any ordinary one and suddenly, we’re in the midst of a dilemma that about sweeps us away. You would think that we would make some preparations for the unexpected. Just as the Bible tells us here that we know not what a day may bring forth, it could bring joy or it could turn to grief and sorrow.
Here is my point of reasoning down this line of thought; Just as we are instructed to put on the whole armor of God, knowing that we can face a real trial of our faith at any time, it seems to me that with so much uncertainty and turmoil in this world, the child of God would deem it prudent to keep as close to God as they can. As the old radio program years ago use to start with the preacher’s wife asking, "Ere you left your room this morning, did you forget to pray? In the name of Christ our Savior, did you sue for loving favor, as a shield today?" Not knowing what a day may bring forth, reckon we need to seek the face of God before we face each day to give us strength and wisdom for what surprises or troubles we are thrown into? "Give us this day our Daily bread” is the Lord's counsel for every day we have to face but we have to ask.
(Feel free to contact me with comments or questions: Pastor Owen)
Be sure to read this article by Bro. Mike Miller: God’s Basic Design: Male and Female.
Audio messages: (mp3 format - right-click and save)
Trying the Spirits 1 - Pastor Richard Owen
Saving Faith - Pastor Richard Owen
Are You Seeking to Be Approved by God or Man - Pastor Richard Owen
He That Walketh In Darkness - Pastor Richard Owen
The Saviour and the Sinner - Pastor Richard Owen
Comments and Questions from readers and our answers
What toys should children play with?
Is it really wrong for a man to have more than one wife?
Messages in RealAudio:
The Cost of Discipleship - Pastor Richard Owen
I Am Persuaded - Mike Miller
Romans 7 - Why Does It Matter?
Romans 7 - The Bible Doesn't Contradict Itself?
Romans 7 - What is Sin and What Does God Do About it? (8/21/2005)
Check out the new Provoking Thoughts Section
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